Birsresta Mohiuddin Jahangir

Birsrestha Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir Tomb is located at Shahabazpur, Shibganj, Chapainawabganj. Besides this landmark, there are eight more landmarks listed in Chapainawabganj. 

There's also three attractions listed in this district in other categories. You will find the exact location of Birsrestha Captain Mohiuddin Jahangir Tomb on the map above

There are 9 landmarks found in Chapainawabganj. This is more than half of all the tourist attractions listed in this district. You may find a list of all categories of Chapainawabganj attractions on this page to choose from.

List of Chapainawabganj Landmarks

Following is the list of all landmarks found in Chapainawabganj. The landmarks are sorted by their popularity, which is calculated based on the number of visitors, user ratings and couple of other factors. You may sort them alphabetiacally by their names using the 'Sort By' option bellow.

Captain Mohi Uddin Jahangir was born in Rahmatganj village of Barisal. In 1967, 5th October he joined Kakulistan military academy of Pakistan.  He earned commission in June 2nd 1968. In sector 7 of Mukti-Bahini, he was an officer. 

In 1971, he was killed while trying to break through the defenses. He was killed close to the Mahananda River. He was awarded Birsrestho by the Government of Bangladesh later for his supreme sacrifice during 1971. 

The main gate of cantonment known as the Jahangir gate is named after him. He was buried close to Choto sonamosjid.