Eid day celebrate 

The Eid is one of the greatest festival of the Muslim. The Muslim celebreate tow Eid fastivals in a years. one is called Eid-ul-azkha.

I come of a respectable Muslim family. Every year, our family celibrates Eid-fastival very nicely. On the last eid day I got up from bed before sun rice. After washing hands and face I said my morning prayer. 

I decoreted very nicely my houses. then i took/ had my bath with my neighbouring friends. At morning mother cooked very delicious foods like piais, semai, birani, and many others sweets.

I ate than with my hear's contant. Them I put on new dress. 

Next, I went to the Eidgah moidan with my grandfather , father , uncle and cousins. After Eid-prayer, I embraced with our villagers.

I visited our neghbours and reletives. All the member of our family ate a rich food together at home at noon. 

In the after noon I enjoyed many interesting Programmes on TV screen.

Thus I celebrated the last Eid day with great joy. An Eid-Day has a great importance in our life. It awakens love and affection. It also teaches us that there is no diffference between high and low in the eye of Allah.

Eid-ul-fitr is being celebrate on sunday in 100+ village BD, India, PAK, MAR, And NEpal vutan Etc.

Eid jamaat was held at BD maximam 10.00 am.